Certificate III: Provide Care for Children(1.1)

1.1 Organising opportunities and type of rest according to child's needs and context.

As a carer, it is important that you identify each child's sleep habits so that you can provide and meet each child's needs. Consult parents on how their child is sleeping at home, are there any recent changes to their environment, for example relatives visiting, child moved from a cot to a bed, child was moved to a different house/bedroom, separation anxiety, etc.

There are many factors that may affect children's rest/sleep patterns. Some of these include:
* age of the child;
* their surroundings such as family conflicts, hardship, etc;
* the climate/weather conditions;
* the people that the child is with;
* are they hungry or not;
* their energy level, e.g., physically active child or a docile child.

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